On Point

The hot topic of where to take summer vacation was hashed out over several holiday sessions of Monopoly and 500 Rummy. The decision is to visit the charming Door County, Wisconsin peninsula. I have been Up North two summers in a row with girlfriends and apparently each time I come back, I share enough compelling stories that have my family wanting to experience it too. It really is a special place, but typically a tough sell to get someone there for the first time when places like Mexico, Florida, and California are also options. 

Naturally, I began planning immediately. I get such a high out of putting together trip itineraries. With it being a very popular summer destination, getting lodging nailed down early on is a great place to start.  There are many fantastic rental houses on the peninsula. The following were all contenders. We landed on the retreat in Bailey Harbor, the same side of the peninsula as Cave Point County Park pictured in this post. It is also known as the quiet side with a load of hiking opportunities. I am excited that we can bring our dogs with us for the week.
