Joshua Tree

The funny Dr. Seuss looking Joshua Trees have been in my list of things to visit for a long time. During our recent trip to Palm Springs, California, we carved out a full day to spend in the national park. My first view of the park was from the air which made me even more excited because I could see there were so many of them, in the middle of a desert. When we arrived at the park, the boys were thrilled with the great rock climbing opportunities. With them endlessly entertained, I had plenty of time to roam and take photos. As we exited through the gift shops, I’m the sucker who purchased Joshua Tree and Date Palm seeds. If you didn’t see that coming, do you even follow me? Can we grow one of each in Omaha? After just a few days in soil, we have a sprouting seed. More to come. 

Leading up to the trip I started following the park’s Twitter account and very much appreciated this bit of dry national park humor. 

And for anyone who enjoys a good satire, I suggest following @subparparks on Instagram. Author Amber Share takes low rated reviews of our national parks and creates poster art, poking fun at just how ridiculous it is to reduce an entire national park experience to a low rating and single sentence. She also has a coffee table book, worth owning for a quick flip through and chuckle. 
