Mum Run

Did I make up the term mum run? I’ve received numerous questions about it on my Instagram reels hashtaged #mumrun. The “mum run” is one of my favorite fall activities. I use the term in a couple different ways:

1. Going on a mum run is the act of going somewhere to purchase chrysanthemum (mums) for our home. 

2. The act of walking up and down aisles of the local hardware stores, home improvement stores, nurseries and big box wholesale stores, with my video camera up, capturing the blur of colorful mums and posting it to my socials. 

Late September to mid October, mum run opportunities are abundant and the act of making the mum run video is entertaining for me. I’m glad so many of my friends enjoy them. I get messages now telling me where to find good mum runs around town. I love it. 

noun: mum; plural noun: mums
a cultivated chrysanthemum.

of a bus, train, ferry, or other form of transportation) make a regular journey on a particular route.

My favorite mum run this year was at the Home Depot Southwest Omaha location near 127th and L Streets. I chose this as my favorite because it was unexpected. Otherwise it would have been Lauritzen Gardens, for obvious reasons.
