Feeding the Starter

My family has been home for about a month, sheltering in place, doing our part to flatten the curve. COVID-19 and a recent New York Times article has turned everyone into a baker. I acquired a sourdough starter from a local restaurant with no idea what to do with it. After neglecting it for a week, I pulled it out of the fridge and saw signs of life. It bubbled. It gurgled. So I fed it

I've been informed that anything that lives in my house that I feed, must have a name. (Thank you, Dr. Amanda.) Let the bread puns roll. As we wait for the starter to grow,  I made a promise to a man to produce fresh baked bread for his birthday. The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day Master Recipe came recommended from a friend who actually brought it to one of our dinner parties. Survey says.... I didn't take a survey. But I can tell you that both loaves were gone in two days and I only had two slices. So now I make bread and take pretty pictures of it. 
