Benson Plant Rescue

There is one weird room in our house that does not have a defined purpose. It gets the best natural light and has a moody vibe because of an imposing brick fireplace. As Chris and I were pulling our plants inside this fall, we decided to repurpose this den into a winter garden. This is where our fiddle fig tree now lives, between two ferns, next to one badass jade plant, and a lemon tree. 

But if this is going to be a winter "garden", we need to fill it out. We stopped by the Benson Plant Rescue on 72nd and Maple where people can drop off their unwanted (often unloved and unruly) house plants - no questions asked. We combed through plants and chatted with volunteers for hours and came away with a ton of great stuff. 

This aloe vera plant is my favorite. It looks like it will reach out and grab you if I tell it to. 
