Direct to Washington DC

A recent trip to Washington D.C. was memorable for a few reasons. This trip marked the first time that I presented at a conference. As a member of the Association for Talent Development's Nebraska Chapter, I worked with a fellow board member to share our chapter's best practices for stream lining communication and event promotion to a packed room. The night before our presentation, our board visited the new District Wharf and somehow managed to score seats at the new Afro-Caribbean restaurant, Kith and Kin, which offers a very different menu than the Omaha restaurant by the same name. I was lucky enough to sit at the table that was into sharing, we ordered what amounted to be one third of the entire menu and shared it. The highlight of the trip though was getting into the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, which was a fantastic walk through centuries of black heritage featuring betrayal, slavery, freedom, oppression, stereotypes, bravery, creativity, innovation, power and passion for life.
